The Authenticity Alliance Individual Membership OLD

Everyone wants privacy for themselves, and everyone wants accountability from others right?

By joining The Authenticity Alliance you'll get

  • The PKIDR Wallet™ with built-in certificate-authenticated password manager

  • Osmio VRD (Vital Records Department) foundational certificate plus three utility certificates with Accountable Anonymity™

  • Membership in Authenticity Village, a new kind of social network providing accountability with real privacy

  • A Residence (family social network) in a neighborhood in Authenticity Village

  • Identity Quality (IDQA™) reviews every six months

  • Your choice of books from the Authenticity Library one book every six months (print or e-book)

  • An Authenticity University course every three months

  • Eligibility to serve on one or more of the municipal commissions that govern Authenticity-based communities
  • Monthly newsletter with updates, news, and commentary on the developing Authenticity-enabled world
  • Knowing you're on the right side of history in fixing the scourge of INAUTHENTICITY and bringing AUTHENTICITY to the world's information infrastructure.